
Smart Order

Scan-order is the easiest way to order and pay at your table in a restaurant using a QR code that the customer scans with their mobile device to access the menu, fill their cart, and place the order quickly and without waiting for the server.

  • QR Code Scanner
  • Order products
  • Partial or total order payment
Save time every step of the way

Offer the fastest consumption experience: consulting the menu, taking orders, paying the bill, re-ordering... Your customers no longer have to wait for your servers.

Focus on hospitality and service

Allocate your servers to tasks with higher added value: reception and customer relations, food service, recommendations, etc.

Increase your average basket

Enhance your products with gourmet visuals and subtly offer additional sales to inflate your average ticket: supplement, coffee, dessert, etc.

Contact us now and grow your restaurant

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